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Le langage SMS (Langue et Identité, la cybersociété)

Le langage SMS (Langue et Identité, la cybersociété)

Whole lesson on young people’s “langage SMS” with reading comprehension, writing production, listening comprehension (from aTV news report) and speaking tasks. This can be the base for further debate in the IB Language B theme of identity (Langue et Identité) and A-level in la cybersociété.
Les prochaines vacances - le futur simple

Les prochaines vacances - le futur simple

Great readings with many tasks for students to deduce the formation and use of the simple future. From a reading, students will develop their writing and speaking skills through 6 distinct exercises: spotting verbs in a reading, finding out the formation, vocab search, conjugation of irregular verbs, translation and a writing task (that can be used as a speaking task) to reuse the future tense in a personal context.
Au Revoir Les Enfants - si clauses

Au Revoir Les Enfants - si clauses

5 exercises to use si clauses in the context of the film Au Revoir Les Enfants by Louis Malle. It contains grammar rule gap fill, verb conjugation gap fill and 2 sets of translations (FR>EN and EN>FR), and a creative exercise. Answers are included.
Au Revoir Les Enfants et le subjonctif

Au Revoir Les Enfants et le subjonctif

5 exercices de révisions du subjonctif sur le film Au Revoir Les Enfants. Exercices de conjugaison, de traduction FRANÇAIS > ANGLAIS et ANGLAIS > FRANÇAIS. Le document inclue les réponses. Utilisable en AS ou A2. (TES does not show all 5 exercises in the preview)
Écrire une critique de film (basé sur Intouchables) / Writing a film review in French

Écrire une critique de film (basé sur Intouchables) / Writing a film review in French

Scaffolded worksheet for KS3/4 (easily adaptable tenses wise) that allow students to gain skills to write a film review in French. Perfect in the end of year to still do some work after/before watching a film. Activity 1: read “Intouchables” film review Activity 2: key vocab search Activity 3: tense search Activity 4: translation Activity 5: write your own review of a film including key content and language (checklist for both) Activity 6: (peer) assessment and setting personal target Ideal for KS3/KS4 end of year classes and GCSE (leisure topic) Could even be used for KS5 when students start studying the film in class.
IB DP - Expérience (immigration, multiculturalisme)

IB DP - Expérience (immigration, multiculturalisme)

Set of full lessons on immigration policies, experiences and multiculturalism. This includes reading, listening, writing and speaking exercises. All lessons are organised in one Presentation accompanied by worksheets - all included with answers. Sub-topics are: expat VS immigré l’expérience de migration en Méditérannée notamment les idées reçues sur l’immigration l’histoire de la colonisation et décolonisation du Maghreb l’immigration en France et en Europe la politique d’immigration en France l’identité française le modèle républicain d’intégration VS le modèle multiculturel canadien les problèmes d’intégration aux Canada avec les Premières Nations et les Québecois
La routine de Kylian Mbappé - les verbes réfléchis/pronominaux

La routine de Kylian Mbappé - les verbes réfléchis/pronominaux

Reading comprehension about Kylian Mbappé’s routine to teach reflexive verbs. It contains short achievable and differentiated activities: vocab search, true or false, regular -ER reflexive verb conjugations, match up, quick translations and a short writing to finish with. Ideal for beginners. Answers are provided.
Exemple de présentation orale IRP (Individual Research Project)

Exemple de présentation orale IRP (Individual Research Project)

Example of an IRP presentation for the speaking A-level exams. Great to give students before they write their own to guide them and show them how we can use high structures and facts in a concise presentation. Students assess the presentations and can discuss in pair and in class with the teacher.